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Technical Quiz

Elimination Round-1 (General Round)

  1. Total time allotted: 1 hour.

  2. It consists of a written test based on technical.

  3. The test comprises of 50 multiple choice objective questions with maximum marks of 50. There will no negative marking.

Elimination Round-2 (visual round) 

  1. Total time allotted: 30 second for each photograph

  2. participants will have to identify the given photograph of technical person and say something regarding that technical person for suggested time.

Final round (Buzzer round)

  1. total time allotted:30 second for each questions.

  2. A question will be fired & student who presses the buzzer first gets to answer first for suggested time.


  • The decision of the quiz-master will be final and will not be subjected to any change.

  • Participants shall not be allowed to use mobile or other electronic instruments.

  • Questions shall be in the form of multiple choice, True / False statement, Visuals, Specific-answer question etc.

  • Audience shall not give any hints or clues to the competitors.

  • Participants are strictly advised not to get involved in any violence otherwise strict action will be taken by the authorized person and as well as by director.

  • Participants have to come in formal dress with their i-card.

Developed By Spring Fest  Prof.Bhavesh variya © 2016  | All rights reserved
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