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Group Discussion

Event Head

Rushabh Panchal




Definition: Group discussion may be defined as - a form of systematic and purposeful oral process characterized by the formal and structured exchange of views on a particular topic,issue,problem or situation for developing information and understanding essential for decision making or problem solving.

Discussions of any sort are supposed to help us develop a better perspective on issues by bringing out diverse view-points. Whenever we exchange differing views on an issue,we get a clearer picture of the problem and are able to understand it. The understanding makes us better equipped to deal with the problem.This is precisely the main purpose of a discussion.

In any kind of GD, the aim is to judge the participants based on personality,knowledge,communicative ability to present the knowledge and leadership skills. Today team players are considered more important than individual contributors. Hence the potential to be a leader is evaluated and also ability to work in a team is tested. The evaluators generally assess the oral competence of a candidate in terms of team listening, appropriate language, clarity of expression, positive speech attitudes and adjustments, clear articulation, and effective non-verbal communication.

Maximum 6 Members per team have to be participated in GD. 


→ Switch off your mobile when you shall enter in room.

→ Participants will be given 5 minutes to think about their point of view on

given topic.

→ Participants will be given 10 to 15 minutes to discuss on the given topic.

→ Participants , who will start the topic and who will conclude the topic at

the end , will be able to get some extra points.

→ Participants are strictly advised not to get involved in any violence other-

wise strict action will be taken by the authorised person and as well as

by director.

→ Participants must have to come in formal dress with their i- card.


Scoring Base on Some Points like:
Personality,Content Discuss,Communication Skills, Listening Skills,
Leadership Skills,Starting Discussion And Conclusion .


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